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These conditions apply to individual guests and to purchases made through websites, over the telephone, via the hotel's email address or by any other form of reservation.


(For reservations in excess of 10 rooms and 15 guests at the same date, considered as groups, special group conditions apply.)

Check-in: rooms are available from 4 pm onwards, but if arriving after 9 pm guests are required to give the hotel prior notice.


Check-out: rooms must be vacated before 11 am ; if leaving later, please contact the front desk to check for the possibility to keep the room longer.


Luggage: a complimentary left-luggage service is available; please enquire at the front desk.


Room rates: are given in euros, inclusive of VAT but excluding tourist tax, which is paid in situ. Rates vary according to season and to the number of persons staying in the room. Breakfast is not included in the room rate. However, rooms may be booked with breakfast and also with meals included.


Should the rate of VAT change, rates will be adjusted accordingly.


Rates with a cancellation and change provision may be cancelled or changed at no cost at the latest by one (1) day prior to arrival. Each booking is deemed guaranteed, so in the event of a no-show without having cancelled the reservation beforehand within the said time limit, the hotel will reserve the right to invoice guests for the price of the first night's stay.

Rates without a cancellation or change provision may not be cancelled or changed, whatever the reason given by guests. The hotel will invoice the full period of stay, even if the room is not used.


Policy for children: breakfast and meals are half-price for children under 10 years of age sharing a room with at least one adult (no more than 3 children). An identity document may be requested.


Guarantee of reservation: Each reservation will be guaranteed by full payment of service, a downpayment or guarantee by credit card. The establishment uses a secure payment system (SSL) which effectively protects data and information.


Payment of accommodation: payment is made at the front desk, which will request a print of each guest's credit card when checking in. For stays longer than 7 days, weekly payment may be requested.


Extras: extras are settled preferably in situ or are invoiced and paid when checking out.

Alternative accommodation: In the event of a major, exceptional or technical problem making it impossible for guests to stay at the hotel, the establishment will do its utmost to find alternative accommodation in a hotel of the same category or of a higher category at no extra cost. The hotel will not be liable to pay any compensation. Any transfer costs will be covered by the hotel.



The hotel is protected by full insurance cover for its business but declines any liability for the theft, loss of or damage to personal objects and effects. Electronic safes are available at the front desk. The hotel also declines any liability for vehicles parked in the hotel's car-park and for their contents.

Guests will be held responsible for any damage or degradation that may occur within the hotel, of their own doing or caused by their family or, more generally, by the persons accompanying them.

Any behaviour contrary to good morality or public order may prompt the manager of the hotel to ask guests to vacate the establishment with no compensation paid or no refund if payment has already been made.

Guests shall refrain from making several bookings for one and the same reservation with several different hotels. Failure to respect this rule will empower the hotel to unilaterally cancel the booking. No compensation or refund of downpayment may be claimed by guests in such cases.



In case of dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will try to find an amicable solution.

If no amicable agreement can be reached, the consumer may refer the matter free of charge to the consumer ombudsman to which the professional belongs, i.e. the Association of European Ombudsmen (AME CONSO), within a period of one year from the date of the written complaint sent to the professional.


The seizure of the mediator of consumption will have to be carried out either by filling the form envisaged for this purpose on the Internet site of the AME CONSO: or by mail addressed to the AME CONSO, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 PARIS.


Personal data

Our data does not contain any information of a personal nature such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, the processing of genetic or biometric data in order to uniquely identify a natural person, data related to health or data related to the sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

The data collected for their stay remains strictly confidential and relates to requirements concerning the services provided in order to meet the hotel's obligations to its guests.


All service performance will be recorded and the recording made available to guests on simple request to

Pursuant to Act 78-17, "IT & Liberties" of 6 January 1978, amended thereafter, guests have the right to access, amend and oppose personal data related to them.

Guests may also refuse any such processing, request a limitation or ask for the deletion of personal data (within the legal limits of retention).


This right may be exercised by addressing a written request to: All such requests will be answered.

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